Break Free From Negative Moods and Get Back Your Life

Are you struggling with the symptoms of negative moods?
If you have been struggling with negative moods, you’re not alone. More than 19 million adults suffer from negative moods. If you are feeling overwhelmed, worn down, fatigued, sad, isolated, foggy brained, or disconnected, these are classic signs and symptoms that accompany negative moods. Research at Keck Imaging Labs at the University of Wisconsin shows that negative mood people experience a reduction of activity in the left side of the brain. This is the side responsible for engaging in positive moods. When the brainwaves are abnormal, your mood can become abnormal.
Medication is Not a Long-Term Solution
Medications can have their place in the short term, but they do not address the underlying brainwave abnormality.
Negative Mood
“Now, I’m focused and I’m going…”
— BrainCore patient
Can I Break Free, Naturally?
Yes, there is a clinically proven, natural solution that is backed by more than 50 years of research and it addresses the root cause of negative moods. It is called neurofeedback.